


法兰克福/德国,2019年7月 – 晴空万里,阳光明媚和30度以上的气温,为2019年6月28日在德国举办的外交理事会夏季庆典提供了完美的环境。超过150名会员和嘉宾,在充满了皇家城堡的迷人氛围下,体验了一个令人难忘的夜晚。最重要的是,这是一个美丽的邂逅,丰富的对话,欢乐和愉悦的夜晚。



当日下午,外交理事会成员聚集在有,进行独家介绍和交流。本会国际关系主席鍾麟昌(Luciën Tjon)和电子移动部门主席Steef Korfker一起给现场嘉宾介绍智慧城市计划。主要目标是通过使用现代技术显着减少大城市的资源消耗,从而为保护环境做出贡献。在美国退出巴黎气候协议后,重点应放在中国与欧洲之间的合作上,以实现巴黎气候协议的目标。在介绍完这个主题后,外交理事会代表团计划今年年底在北京(中国)的物联网展览期间介绍该倡议。还有,预计在2020年,中国专家代表团将会访问欧洲并考察。


国际关系主席鍾麟昌(Luciën Tjon)在为智慧城市和物联网做介绍

外交理事会秘书长Hang Nguyen与国际关系主席鍾麟昌(Luciën Tjon)合照

外交理事会国际事务专员Dr. Horst Walther为中美贸易战发表言论



在外交理事会的晚宴上,外交理事会联合创始人H.E. Buddhi Athauda大使,目前居住在巴黎,获得法国、摩纳哥、安道尔和联合国教科文组织的认可,他们表扬欧盟以及联合国等全球组织在过去几十年里取得的相关以及改变世界的成就。事实上,全球层面的问题和危机只能通过大家的共同努力来解决。秘书长Hang Nguyen强调外交理事会成员一致希望,社会将会是一个不忽视但有尊重; 不排外但有包容; 是一个不会开始战争,而是试图为所有人找到和平解决方案的社会。



克罗地亚驻德国大使,公共外交奖的第一位获奖者Gordan Grlic Radman大使,隆重地被委任为外交理事会主席,这是外交理事会最重要的其中一部分。他代表他的国家克罗地亚,他是欧洲联盟的强大捍卫者,就欧洲的愿景和价值观以及未来发表了热情洋溢的讲话。



晚间节目的另一个亮点是2019年由外交理事会及其成员工作的好地方共同授予的多元化奖获奖者。该奖项每年颁发一次,获奖者在100家多元化管理人员的候选名单中挑选出来。今年的获奖者Adobe Systems自豪地领取该奖项。

在正式的活动结束后,所有会员和客人都有充足的时间来相互认识交流,以及享受五星级城堡酒店的夏日烧烤。 在与会员再次会面并促进他们的关系同时,也与其他客人建立了新的关系。 直到深夜,还有很多人在注明的吉米酒吧庆祝。


外交理事会Diplomatic Council(DC)是一个独特的组织,具有联合国咨商地位,将全球智库,世界领先的商业网络和慈善基金会结合在一起。我们将外交,商业领袖,科学领导者和社会领导者联系起来,解决人类面临的最大挑战。我们的会员涵盖从最高级别的外交,到商业和社会变革中获得全球领导者网络。我们坚信,繁荣的经济给人类带来昌盛是和平的最佳保障之一。外交理事会举行年会


更多信息请访问: www.diplomatic-council.org 
A huge success: Diplomatic Council Executive Club and Summer Celebration 2019Frankfurt/Germany, July 2019 – Impeccable blue skies, bright sunshine and temperatures exceeding 30 degrees provided the perfect setting for the“hottest” Diplomatic Council summer celebration ever on June 28, 2019, in Germany. More than 150 members and guests experienced an unforgettable evening full of highlights enjoying the fantastic ambience of a royal castle –above all, it was an evening with beautiful encounters, lots of conversations and joy and pleasure.


Executive Club in the afternoon

In the afternoon Diplomatic Council members already came together to follow exclusive presentations and exchange ideas.

Luciën Tjon, Chairman International Relations, and Steef Korfker, Diplomatic Council Chairman E-Mobility, presented the launch of a Smart City Initiative. The main objective f is to reduce the consumption of resources in mega cities significantly by using modern technology hence making a contribution to protecting the environment. Following the withdrawal of the United States from the Paris climate agreement, the focus should be placed on the collaboration between China and Europe to achieve the Paris climate goals. After presenting at the Diplomatic Council Executive Club a Diplomatic Council delegation has planned to introduce this Initiative during the IoT Exhibition in Beijing (China) later this year. An expert’s delegation from China is anticipated to come to Europe in 2020.

Further topics at the Executive Club included 5G networking, global logistics, social media, global wealth migration, social media and the China-US trade conflict.


A clear commitment to international organisations

At the gala evening H.E. Ambassador Buddhi Athauda, Diplomatic Council co-founder, currently residing in Paris with accreditation to France, Monaco, Andorra and UNESCO, praised the global organisations such as the European Union or the United Nations for the relevant and world-changing achievements they made in the past decades. As a matter of fact, problems and crisis of global dimensions can only be solved by joint efforts. Secretary General Hang Nguyen emphasized that members of the Diplomatic Council want to be part of a society that does not ignore, but respects; that does not exclude but includes; that does not start wars but tries to find peaceful solutions for the sake of all people.


A new addition to the Diplomatic Council Board of Presidents

H.E. Ambassador Gordan Grlic Radman, Ambassador of Croatia to Germany and the first laureate of the Public Diplomacy Award, was ceremoniously admitted to the Diplomatic Council Board of Presidents which is the most important body of the Diplomatic Council. On behalf of his country Croatia, which is a strong defender of the European Union, he delivered a passionate speech on the vision and values and the future of Europe.


Adobe wins Diversity Award

A further highlight on the evening program was the announcement of the 2019 Diversity Award winner

jointly bestowed upon by Diplomatic Council and its member Great Place to Work. The Award is given annually and the winner is selected amongst 100 best employers with the best diversity management. This year’s winner Adobe Systems proudly accepted the award.

Following the official program, there was plenty of time for all members and guests to mix and mingle and enjoy the excellent summer barbecue of the 5 star castle hotel. New contacts were made while fellow members met again and deepened their relationships. Many celebrated at the famous Jimmy’s bar until late at night.


About the Diplomatic Council: 

The Diplomatic Council (DC) is a unique organization with consultative status to the United Nations combining a global think tank, a world leading business network and a charitable foundation. We link diplomacy, business leaders, science’s leading minds and society’s front-runners on resolving mankind’s biggest challenges. Our members gain access to a global network of leaders from the highest levels of diplomacy, business and social change. We firmly believe that a thriving economy bringing prosperity to mankind is one of the best guarantors of peace.

Further Information: www.diplomatic-council.org
